You may have visited one of our centres or browsed our website and thought you would like to become a member and take part in the life of the association.
If so, now is the time to join us before or at our general meeting which takes place on Friday 22nd March 2024 at 5.30pm
in room 13 on the 1st floor of the Port-Vendres Cultural Centre – Place Castellane.
Membership fees for 2024 (Renewal or new application) remain unchanged from previous years:
Individual: €20
Couple: €30
NB donations and membership fees to our association are eligible for income tax relief (Association declared to be of general interest). A tax receipt will be sent to all donors at the end of the calendar year.
There are three ways to join:
1) Join online via the Helloasso website. You will then instantly receive your membership card,
To join our association via Helloasso, click on the blue link below and follow the instructions.
2) Join by post by completing the form below:
Download the registration form
and send it by post with a cheque for the membership fee to :
Mme GRAU Michèle Présidente
30, bd des Evadés de France
3) Join on the day of the meeting before the start of the meeting.
The General Assembly of the CR association will take place on Friday, March 22, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in room 13 of the 1st floor
at the Cultural Center of Port-Vendres Place Castellane.
Invitations to the General Meeting are sent by e-mail to the association’s members, together with all the reports relating to the operation of the association, the agenda and all the documentation required for voting.
Members who are up to date with their membership fees may vote by :
Email, attaching the ballot paper
Or by post before the day of the meeting, enclosing the ballot paper
Or in person on the day of the meeting, in the presence of members of the Board of Directors.
Please note that all detailed accounting documents will be available for inspection on the day of the General Meeting.